  • First Friday Club of Cleveland

Fr. Andrij Hlabse, S.J. [title TBA]

Thursday, May 1, 2025 11:30 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2025 1:00 PM
Center for Pastoral Leadership, Founders Hall (Borromeo/Saint Mary Seminary) 28700 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, OH 44092

Fr. Andrij M. Hlabse, S.J., is a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest and a Jesuit.  He was born and raised outside of Cleveland, Ohio, where there is a large Ukrainian community; his family practiced the Catholic faith in both the Byzantine and Latin Rites.  Fr. Andrij completed a BA in music performance (as a jazz saxophonist) and romance languages and literatures at the University of Notre Dame in 2006.  After entering the Society of Jesus in 2007, Fr. Andrij earned an MA in philosophical resources from Fordham University, a Bachelor of Sacred Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, and a Licentiate in Eastern Ecclesiastical Sciences with a concentration in Patristic and Eastern Christian theology from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome.  He also taught religion and Spanish, as well as served as liturgist at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago.  While in the Eternal City, Fr. Andrij served as director of the choir of the International College of the Gesù at the Church of the Gesù from 2016-2017.  He was ordained to the priesthood in the Byzantine Rite in 2018.  Since 2021 Fr. Andrij has been engaged in Ph.D. studies in theology at the University of Notre Dame; his work focuses on the development and relations of the Latin and Greek theological traditions to 1600 and liturgical studies.  His interests also include languages and philosophy, especially the metaphysics of culture.

Please visit our website at http://www.firstfridayclubcleveland.org. For questions, email firstfridaycleveland@gmail.com.

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Activity Price Quantity Total
Table Sponsor / Ticket Filled ! $0.00
Table Sponsor $250.00 / Table
Pay $250 for an 8-seat table
1/2 Table Sponsor $125.00 / Group
Provides 4 seats to sponsor, and other 4 seats will be filled with other FFCC guests
Individual Ticket $35.00 / Seat
Individual seat, to be placed at 8-person table
  Total: $0.00

Additional Information for Lunch Registration

The maximum length for the field Would you like to donate any of your seats for other individuals to attend? If "Yes" we will contact you for details. is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field Use this space for any special seating notes: is 5000 characters.
Total Amount Due: $0.00
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